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GEIA-STD-0007 vs. S-Series: Comparing EIAC and LCN to Product and Breakdown Element

February 20, 2025

This article is for anyone interested in learning more about similarities and differences between logistic data elements of co-existing Integrated Product Support (IPS) data exchange specifications and how to leverage these similarities for future S-Series programs.

Philosophical Similarities

While naming conventions differ, fundamentally similar logistics and provisioning data components - such as parts, tasks, resources, product identifiers, logistic support requirements, and provisioning data are present in both GEIA-STD-0007 (0007) and S-Series (S3000L and S20000M) specifications. These similar data components may be used as a basis for mapping and then migrating data from 0007 formats into S3000L and S2000M formats. This migration process may be beneficial to government end-users and OEMs alike who may be interested in converting legacy 0007 dataset(s) for future S-Series requirements, performing a baseline comparison, or purely to evaluate S-Series data familiar in the context of 0007.

flow chart showing a high level data mapping of GEIA-STD-0007 to S3000L/S2000M
EIAC to Product

The “Product” definition within S3000L is analogous to the “End Item Acronym Code” (EIAC) definition in 0007. However, where EIAC is explicitly defined as a string within 0007, the EIAC value may be stored as a Product Identifier (primitive) of Type “EIAC” in S3000L. For more information on primitives, please see our Understanding Primitives article.

All identifier values contained within S-Series schemas have an associated optional classification. The optional characterizations of the identifier primitive (and the other primitive type elements, e.g., descriptor, property, ...) enables the support of multiple values for an identifier. The productIdentifier classification values can be denoted as an EIAC, Model Identification Code (MOI), or a user-defined value. If the Product data is sourced from a 0007 dataset, the productIdentifier classification type would be equal to “EIAC.”

table of primitive identifierType

For example, if the EIAC for 0007 is “MPAV”, then the productIdentifier identification value would be “MPAV” with its classification value set to EIAC. An organization reference is another optional property available within S-Series definitions.

table explaining a basic primitive
LCN to Breakdown Element

The breakdownElementIdentifier (BEID) of S3000L is analogous to the “Logistics Support Analysis Control Number” (LCN) and “Alternate Logistics Support Analysis Control Number” (ALC) combination in 0007. GEIA-STD-0007 uses EIAC, LCN, ALC, and LCN Type to define a unique LCN Indentured item (and XB record). The BEID in the S-Series can be structured as a combination of these attribute values into a unique identifier that preserves the uniqueness of the LCN identification.

Breakdown Element Identifier (BEID)

The example below shows how mapping and combining the key fields in 0007 LCN can create a unique BEID in S3000L. Dashes or underscores between the 0007 fields clarifies the segments of the BEID string relating back to its original 0007 mapping.

The 0007 LCN Nomenclature translates directly to the S3000L Breakdown Element Name.

figure demonstrating the breakdown of an element

The above mapping preserves the LCN structure of the originating 0007 LSAR data set when migrating to S3000L. A small sample of LCNs to Breakdown Elements is shown where underscores are used instead of hyphens to separate the 0007 segments.

table showing LCN to BEID breakdown with underscore separation instead of hyphens
Breakdown Element Identifier Primitive

S3000L extends a BEID definition through a classificationType element within the BEID primitive. The BEID classification values can be denoted as an LCN, serial number (SN), catalog sequence number (CSN), or a user-defined value. If the Breakdown Element data is sourced from a 0007 dataset, the BEID classification type would be equal to LCN.

An additional, optional characterization, an Organization value, may also be assigned to further characterize the BEID primitive value.

table denoting additional characterizations for the BEID element
Breakdown Element Types

In S3000L, a Breakdown Element can be defined as a Hardware (HW) Breakdown Element, a Software (SW) Breakdown Element, an Aggregated (AGGR) Breakdown Element, or a ZONAL (ZONW) Breakdown Element. Each Breakdown Element definition has an optional Breakdown Element type code value to further define it.

An LCN Type of P is analogous to a HW Breakdown Element. An LCN Type of F is analogous to an AGGR Breakdown Element.

A sample of valid values for each Breakdown Element Type are shown below. The S-Series allows the addition of custom values.

table of sample valid values for each BEID
System End Item to Product Variant

The “System End Item” in 0007 identifies the top-level item LCN/ALCs that has a specific configuration. Each configuration is identified with a unique Usable On Code (UOC).

The “Product Variant” of S3000L is analogous to the “System End Item” in 0007. In S3000L, the productVariantIdentifier (prodVarId) can combine the System End Item identifier and the UOC value. This creates a unique prodVarId for each Usable On Code from the originating 0007 data source.

For example, if the System End Item of MAN PWR ASLT VEH18 had a Usable On Code (UOC) of AAA then the prodVarID in S3000L could be MAN_PWR_ASLT_VEH18:AAA. This shows the original System End Item and the UOC used to create this specific S3000L Product Variant.

Since prodVarId is an item identifier primitive type, it also has a classification. The classification value would equal UOC (SX001G:systemEndItem), denoting it originated from 0007 data. An optional Organization value may also be assigned to the prodVarId primitive.

table explaining prodVarId classification

Although 0007 and S-Series may vary in the way they are defined, there are foundational similarities between the data definition that can be leveraged for co-existing and evolving Integrated Product Support (IPS) program requirements spanning both standards. Consumers of S3000L and S2000M standards are provided with analogous data components in the context of 0007 (with different nomenclature). Therefore, the 0007 analogous fields can be migrated into S3000L and S2000M and refined with inherent S-Series primitives and classifications to characterize 0007 data along with any alternate classifications of this data.

Interested in learning more? Check out ISS’ training page for details on ISS’ standard training courses and software for supporting GEIA-STD-0007 and/or S-Series.